Antoine Bourget, from the IPhT, will soon be appearing on YouTube with David Elbaz from Irfu, author of a lot o books and for a round table discussion on YouTube organized by the DCom/CEA digital division.
The interview will be done by Marie Treibert, owner of a Youtube channel (La boîte à curiosités.)
The YouTube premiere will be held on:
Sunday October 27 from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The talk will take the form of an informal round-table discussion about black holes. Antoine Bourget and David Elbaz will share their complementary approaches.
Auditors will be able to follow the program in real time and to ask questions that Antoine and David will answer in the chat.
link to the round table
If you want to see more about Antoine an David:
The Antoine's channel, Scientia Egregia
The David Elbaz's show:
Have a good listening!
We are delighted to welcome Mrs. Vanessa Bele Bilock at IPhT, in a CNRS administrator position, in anticipation of the departure of Mrs. Justine Dionisi. Justine has told us she would move to the Institute of Space Astrophysics in Orsay, from 1/12/2024.
Vanessa holds a licence degree in marketing and communication and is currently studying on the Paris-Saclay campus.
You can find her in the room 21.
Welcome to Vanessa!
One purpose of the video is to explain how the proof the background independence (an important property of any quantum gravity theory) of string theory is a major success of string field theory. Harold describes which particular problems regarding background independence have been solved using string field theory and which additional progress can be expected in the future. He also discusses how he used machine learning techniques to solve geometrical problems required for constructing string field theory.
Moreover, he talks about his book on String field theory - A modern introduction (Springer, 2020) and how he arrived at writing it.
Congratulations to Harold !
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