Two IPhT researchers feature in the latest issue of "Sciences et Avenir- La recherche".  

Two IPhT researchers feature in the latest issue of "Sciences et Avenir- La recherche" (925, March 2024).

Kirone Mallick was interviewed as part of the article "Maison Poincaré - Les mathématiques en partage" marking the opening of the new Maison Poincaré at the Institut Henri Poincaré. Clémentine Laurens interviewed Kirone, a mathematician, and a biologist. Among other topics, Kirone explains the relationship between physics and mathematics.

Francis Bernardeau, Deputy Director of the Euclid consortium, was interviewed as an expert cosmologist for a special report on Dark Energy (by Fabrice Nicot and Sylvie Rouat) in the same journal issue. In his intervention, Francis gives the general public an overview of the various theoretical models that describe the nature of dark energy, which accounts for around 68% of the energy in the known universe.

R. Guida, 2024-02-29 19:06:00


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